Monday, August 22, 2016


Butterfly Effect

This week’s reflective blog:
            Based on this week's reading, reflect on complexity science and theory in organizations and the butterfly effect (p.66). 
            Identify 2 examples where “small changes yield large results” in your organization.
            What are the implication of complexity theory for you and your organization and how can you use this to drive improvements.
            This week’s reflective blog (RB) immediately made me think of Jurassic Park.  In the original movie, Jeff Goldblum, portrayed a character named Dr. Ian Malcolm.  Dr. Malcolm was a chaos mathematician”.  He was not exactly the voice of reason but he definitely let the other characters in the movie know of his opinion when it came to the cause and effect of cloning ancient creatures for modern man’s amusement.
            According to my research, the “butterfly effect” is an example of an attractor.  According to Obolensky, “These plots have a specific and easily understandable pattern. However, some attractors do not and they are called ‘strange’ attractors. Perhaps the most famous and useful strange attractor is known as the butterfly effect, or Lorenz’s Strange Attractor. Of all the chaos theories this one has special importance for Complex Adaptive Leadership. Much work was done in the 1970s when the new theories of chaos were really beginning to emerge. Strangely enough, most papers in various different fields began to appear independently of each other in 1970. Sadly very few were aware that a lot of work had already been done ten years earlier. It seemed no one thought of looking in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, volume 20, pp. 130–41, published in 1963. Over a decade before the term ‘chaos mathematics’ was first coined an article entitled ‘Deterministic Non-Periodic Flow’ by Edward Lorenz described one of the most famous manifestations of chaos mathematics – the butterfly effect. Its more technical term is ‘Lorenz’s Strange Attractor’.  Edward Lorenz was a keen mathematician but actually worked as a research meteorologist. He built a mini-weather system simulator on a Royal McBee computer in 1960. In the winter of 1961 he wanted to study again a weather simulation he had just spent several days running, and so typed in the starting parameters once more. These consisted of a very lengthy list of numbers each with a long decimal point such as 0.501675. The numbers represented changes in three variables of temperature, pressure and wind speed. To save time, he left the final few numbers off as this in meteorological terms was insignificant – ‘Like a seagull fart in a hurricane’ was the apparent significance he was reported to comment to a colleague. The simulation ran at first exactly as before, but after a couple of days some very small differences occurred to the first run. After a while these differences grew to an outcome that was vastly different – the simulation ended in a weather state poles apart from the first run, despite such a very small change at the start. Lorenz made an accidental but very significant discovery – that a very small change within a complex system (such as weather) can produce a very large difference to what would have otherwise happened. In other words, when a situation has a great sensitivity to initial conditions a small change can have a disproportionate effect. When he worked out why this was, he found that even complex and chaotic systems, which are unpredictable in the long run, have an underlying pattern. This accidental discovery was given the technical name ‘Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions’. When Lorenz presented his paper several years later to the 139th meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington in 1972, he titled his paper ‘Predictability – Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?’ His answer was, predictably, ambiguous whilst focusing on the instability of the atmosphere. Lorenz’s butterfly effect can be explained by three (temperature, pressure and wind speed) simultaneous non-linear differential equations which have an infinite number of possible solutions. When graphed, these equations give a picture as shown in Figure 5.10, which shows why the term ‘butterfly’ is used. Since that time the butterfly effect is one of the most well-known phenomena of chaos mathematics. It has given rise to many manifestations in films, literature and TV.  It also has historic manifestations, a recent one being Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian fruit seller in the rural town of Sidi Bouzid, who upon having his wares confiscated and being unable to gain an audience with the mayor, immolated himself in front of town hall on 17 December 2010. His desperate action set off a series of events which became known as the Arab Spring. An unforeseen, unprecedented and dramatic political, social, cultural and economical realignment across the Middle-East, has gone on to dramatically change the daily lives of over 200 million people. Although the story of Mohamed Bouazizi is tragic in the extreme, his actions were, in fact, the wing flap of Lorenz’s butterfly. The butterfly effect is very significant as, on the face of it, it seems to break the first law of thermodynamics, sometimes known as the Law of the Conservation of Energy, which can be summarized as: the effort you put in will dictate the result you get out. Yet within complex organizations, small changes can yield large results. A practical example of this is the concept of ‘catalytic mechanisms’ that Collins reports in his research. These are small changes to company policy which yielded large results.” (Obolensky, 2014)
            The “butterfly effect” reminds me of throwing a stone into a body of water.  When the stone pierces the water’s surface a ripple occurs and grows into even larger concentric ripples.  A stone the size of a quarter can turn into a ripple the size of house. 
            As a high school educator, often times small things turn into even larger things when it comes to students.  It can be triggered by a kind word or some type of discipline.  An example of this is offering words of encouragement to a substandard student who ends of being the Valedictorian.  The student could have easily failed out of school but, instead, excelled.  Another example is taking a cell phone from a student.  Parents become involved and they make phone calls and send emails that causes this small act of discipline to escalate into a giant problem.
            Dealing with students and parents is very complex.  There are rules and policies in place but often times, the more irate the parent and student becomes, the more apt the administration is to err on the side of the student and/or parent.
            The only true way to drive improvement is to uphold the policies and standards.  In my position as an Army Instructor, I continuously hold to the standards and this, in itself, causes plenty of ripples.

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