Tuesday, November 22, 2016



Video Debrief of Team MA

            While watching the referenced YouTube video, I was transported back in time.  Not because of the content but because of the video quality, sound, background music and voice over.  I was reminded of the eighth grade and watching 8mm films in class on a projector.  I was so distracting that I actually had to watch the video three times to get the content.

            Frankly, I had very little knowledge about Jobs other than he had founded Apple, he had been forced out of Apple, returned some years later and died of pancreatic cancer.  I honestly do not even remember NeXT. 

            So, I have been asked to discuss how my characteristics would have fit with the makeup and culture of the NeXT startup team. 

            I am a very outgoing individual.  I usually make friends fast.  I enjoy being in-charge but can follow. 

            In the video, a young Steve Jobs comes across as the obvious leader.  Steve pitches his vision for NeXT by, “Steve’s goal is to transform the learning process at the college and graduate school level with a powerful computer and a new kind of software and we decided we wanted to start a company that had a lot to do with education and in particular higher education colleges and universities. So what our vision is, is that there's a revolution in software going on now on college and university campuses and it has to do with providing two types of breakthrough software. One is called simulated learning environments.  It's where you can't give a student in physics a linear accelerator.  You can't give a student, in biology, a five-million-dollar recombinant DNA laboratory but you can simulate those things.  You can simulate them on a very powerful computer and it is it is not possible for students to afford these things. It is not possible for most faculty members to afford these things so if we can take what we do best, which is to find really great technology and pull it down to a price that's affordable to people. If we can do the same thing for this type of computer, which is maybe 10 times as powerful as a personal computer that we did for personal computers, then I think we can make a real difference in the way the learning experience happens in the next five years and that's what we're trying to do.” (Jobs, circa 1985)

            What a dynamic thinker.  Truly a man well before his time.  I would have loved to have been on the NeXT team!

            Jobs was a great entrepreneur.  Personally, I do not have that same entrepreneurial spirit.  I enjoy following those with these great minds and believe that I have the “go-getter” attitude to make the visionary’s vision come true.  I have personally followed great leaders such as Carl Vuono, H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Colin Powell, Gordon Sullivan, Gary Luck, Tommy Franks, George Casey, David Petraeus and Raymond Odierno.  I personally worked directly or indirectly for these four-star General Officers.  As a matter of fact, it was then, Lieutenant General (3-star), Raymond Orierno who personally pinned Master Sergeant Rank on me when I was last promoted. Don’t get me wrong, gentle reader, I do have visions but nothing like Steve Jobs had.  I have not invented a single thing.  I look up to men like Marconi, Edison, Bell, Pullman, Otis, Ford and Jobs.  Their visions have continued to amaze me.  Heck, without them, we wouldn’t have the radio, light bulb, phone, passenger train car, elevator, mass produced automobile and all of those great Apple products!

            In closing, I would have made a great team member on the NeXT start-up team.  I could see their passion and desire as I have always done in everything that I have done.


Jobs, S. (circa 1985). YouTube: Jobs brainstorms with NeXT Team. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/loQhufxiorM

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